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Sladjana Sredojevic

EBTN The European Banking & Financial Services Training Association

Slađana has more than 15 years of experience in the public and private sectors, international cooperation, European integrations, development assistance, banking operations, as well as the academic environment.  
She has expertise in business and public finance, investment finance, banking, international finance, professional education and project management. In addition to obtaining a PhD in Economics, she also expanded her knowledge at numerous seminars in the country and during longer stays abroad (Luxembourg, Japan and Spain). As a lecturer, she has been teaching at several Universities, such as University of Belgrade Facutly of Law, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Venice International Universtity.

Since 2006, she has been working as a Special Advisor for International Cooperation, International Financial Institutions and Education at the Association of Serbian Banks, where she is also the Head of the Bank Training Centre. She is a Vice President and member of the Executive Board of the European Bank Training Network, Brussels and has been in contact with the European Banking Federation from Brussels for many years. She is active as a researcher, consultant in projects and author of several books (Banking Associations: their impact in a time of a market change, Public Private Partnerships etc). As the PPP specialist and analyst, she is the Member of the UNECE Roster of PPP Experts and she has been working with The Economist Intelligence Unit, and  European Investment Bank among other organizations. Today, she is also Editor in Chief of the Journal Banking of the Association of Serbian Banks. 

She started her professional career as a civil servant - Advisor at the Ministry of Finance of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (2000) and from 2003 at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the  Republic of Serbia. She was also working for a World Bank as the Financial Specialist in their project implementation unit, as well as for the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg.

Motivated by continuous personal and professional development, she aims to have a strong influence on environmental development, creativity, shared values and general (public) well-being.