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For privacy reasons, it is recommended to omit personal data from the CV you are attaching, such as full name, date and place of birth, contact details and gender.
Applicants must upload a scanned copy of their original university diplomas. These documents have to be uploaded in a single PDF file.
Applicants must upload a signed and dated self-certification stating the type of university degrees earned, the institutions where such degrees have been earned and the final marks obtained specifying the highest possible mark (e.g. 105/110). Please also specify for each degree earned the enrollment and completion dates together with the official duration of the program.
For your convenience, please download a sample university diploma certification form here.

Only for candidates that hold a foreign university degree, after they have received their letters of acceptance, they should contact the nearest Italian Diplomatic Authority and begin the process of obtaining a Declaration of Value.
In no more than 500 words the candidate shall illustrate why she/he wants to enroll in the IMPPM program and why she/he thinks the program could enhanche her/his career
This letter should include details regarding the person who is recommending the candidate, her/his connections with her/him and the reasons why she/he thinks the candidate deserves to be admitted in the program.
Italian citizens may just send a copy of their identification card.

The fields marked with * are mandatory
Dichiaro di aver preso visione dell'informativa privacy ai sensi dell'art.13 del Regolamento (UE) 679/2016 (GDPR) I declare I have read the privacy policy pursuant to art.13 of Regulation (UE) 679/2016 (GDPR)
I GIVE MY CONSENT pursuant to article 49(1)(a) of the GDPR ('explicit consent to the proposed transfer') to communication of the applicants’ CVs to non-EU funders of scholarships/grants, including non-EU ones, in the case of students applying for funding