Baynath Maureen
Maureen Baynath, born and raised in Suriname, with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science made a career change to procurement services in 2007. I started off on the beginners’ level as a buyer in a private company and worked myself up to the superintendent of the procurement department, where I worked for 7 years. I became a single mother in 2014, and needed more time for my child and decided to become a procurement consultant with flexible working hours. Now I am an experienced Public Procurement Consultant with 8 years extensive work experience with several multilateral organizations such as Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IaDB). Currently, I am the Procurement Consultant at the IDB Country Office Suriname and I support the fiduciary supervision of projects, draw independent conclusions and formulate authoritative recommendations to the borrower and the Bank, and provide inputs and carry out preventive reviews and ex-post supervision of Bank operations to identify opportunities for improvement".