Dadlo Zuhrani
Having done my Masters in Sociology from Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur I joined Provincial Civil Services of Government of Sindh Pakistan as a Section Officer in 2001 wherein I have served in the various departments including, Food, Women Development, District Government Badin ( a district of Sindh), Education and Health and have performed multi administrative and procurement tasks. I dealt with the emergency situations during the mega floods for consecutive two years 2010 and 2010 where arrangement of the supplies on the emergency basis to the affected people was one of the gigantic tasks. In order to build my capacity as a procurement specialist I did Diploma in Supply Chain Management from Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi one of the best and prestigious Business School of Paksitan.
With the 20 years of experience in administration , Public Financial and procurement Management, I have worked with the Government of Sindh on variety of projects i.e. Four modern state of the art Regional Blood Centres (RBCs) for blood screening and collection Security project for largest children hospital of Pakistan, developed modern Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for performance evaluation of Hospitals contracted out under Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode, managed huge amount of public funds earmarked for procurement purpose of the improvement of health sector
In the present days of rocket speed technological advancement it is essential to build capacity which must enable to learn modern and novel methods of solving issues pertaining to procurement management along modern lines, I decided to join an educational institution which can help me to enrich my skills at par with international standards. It is matter of utmost privilege and honour for me to have joined in the University of Rome Tor Vergata as an 8th generation student of International Masters in Public Procurement Management(IMPPM). I look forward with a hope that this is going to be the finest learning experience that I have ever had in my life.
Apart from being a civil servant I have passion for writing. I have one published novel “Dunya Dam Darya”, (Life flows like river), which was acclaimed best novel of the year in 2017 by Sindhi Language Authority, a prestigious body promoting Sindhi language and Literature and Association of Progressive Writers