Behzad Sabeti
I am Behzad Sabeti from Afghanistan. I have been working at National Procurement Authority (NPA), Administrative Office of the President (AOP), and Afghanistan since 2016. I worked in national and international organizations in various positions.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature from Herat University’s School of Education in 2010. I obtained a Master’s degree in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution in 2015.
I awarded the fellowship of United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Hiroshima, Japan in 2017 and also graduated from United Nations and International Understanding Institute, IUNS, in New Delhi, India in 2014. I proudly received a certificate from Leadership & Management from the University of Texas at Austin, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and School of Public Affairs.
I have been working as an active member of the Bid Opening Committee of National Procurement Authority where I deal with one of the early stages of typical bid evaluation procedures and record of bid opening session. The record of technical information and bid documents/ financial and technical proposals in various national and international projects including Government to Government (G2G), Government to Organizations (G2O), framework agreement, Open Competitive Biddings (OCB), single source for procurement of goods, works, consultancy, and non-consultancy services are my main responsibilities in Bid Opening Committee.
It would be my honor to study International Master in Public Procurement Management Program (IMPPM) at the accredited Tor Vergata University of Rome which has been a pioneer in the academic realm since 1982. The entire modules included for the 8th Edition Students are very interesting for me.
The Integrity and Anticorruption in Public Procurement, Contract Complaints and Dispute are my favorite modules in which the knowledge I learn from this program would be a great asset for me as a conflict resolution practitioner and a need for my career as I return to my country in Afghanistan.