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Aldo Ravazzi Douvan

Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security

Aldo Ravazzi Douvan is a chief economist at DG Sustainable Development, EU & International Activities of the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (previously Ministry of Ecological Transition). In 2022 he has been an economic adviser to the Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures & Mobility (including transport and public works)

He is President of the OECD Committee on green and sustainable finance and Vice-President of the OECD Environmental Policies Committee.

He has been President of the OECD Committees on Tax & Environment; Environmental Performance Country Reviews; Biodiversity, Water & Ecosystems; Integration of Economic & Environmental Policies (2005-20).

He has been the Technical Secretary of the Italian Observatory on Sustainable Finance, of the Italian Natural Capital Committee and of the Italian Catalogue of Environmentally Harmful & Friendly Subsidies (2016-21) co-editing their yearly reports .

Expert for sustainable development (green tax reform, sustainable finance, green economy, green growth, green new deal, resource efficiency, circular economy, natural capital, biodiversity, non-financial reporting, environmental accounting, beyond GDP, ...), he has represented Italy in international for a such as OECD, Rio+20, EU, EEA, G7, G20, IRP, IPCC; UN-FCCC, UN-CBD, UNEP, UN-SEEA, WB, GGKP, IFCMA, ..., since 1992.

Inter alia, he is a steering committee member of the IRP (International Resource Panel, served by UNEP secretariat) and a Vice-President of Plan Bleu for environment & development in Mediterranean (UNEP-MAP). He has been a consultant to OECD and Irena.

Coordinator of the G20 Peer Review on Fossil Fuel Subsidies for Italy (2018) and team member of the twin peer review of Indonesia (2018), he has been the promoter of the project “Enhancing an Environmental Fiscal Reform in Italy and in the EU”, financed by EC in the frame of the Structural Reforms Support Programme and entrusted to OECD (2018-2021).

At European level, he has been a member of the EC-MSEG (Member States Expert Group) on Sustainable Finance (2018-20), a co-promoter and Italian member of the EU-ENEA/MA (European Network of Environmental Authorities and Managing Authorities) for the greening of Cohesion Policy (2003-2012), a member of experts groups on economy & environment at EC and EEA.

In the first part of his career he has been economist, then senior economist, finally Economic Research Unit Head at IRI (the holding of Italian public enterprises) (1984-2000).

On the academic and research side, he teaches Environmental Global Governance at University of Roma Tor Vergata and Sustainable Development, Energy & Climate at University Roma Luiss. He is a member of the Policy Outreach Committee of EAERE (European Association of Environment & Resources Economists) and a founder member of IAERE (Italian Association of Environment & Resources Economists). He has been the President of Green Budget Europe (experts network on Ecological Tax Reform and Greening Budgets).

He has been awarded the Kreiser Award for Environmental Taxation in 2022 (GCET).

He graduated in Economics at University Roma Sapienza (1983) and specialized at University of York in a MSc in Project Appraisal, Finance & Investment (1988).