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Christian Von Deimling

Bundeswehr University Munich

holds the endowed junior professorship for General Business Administration, in particular for Industrial Procurement, at the Department of Economics and Management since November 1, 2019.
In research and teaching, Christian von Deimling focuses on issues in industrial supply management and public procurement. He is interested in changes and future developments in supply management (understood as a function in companies and organizations with a significant influence on their market position). Therefore, he is intensively concerned with the development and successful introduction of supply and procurement strategies, with the influence of innovation on and through procurement and on the market position of companies and organizations, with the role and use of life cycle costs for different decision gates in investment projects as well as with the design and the success of cooperative purchasing. His applied understanding of research is grounded on data-based observations (both qualitative and quantitative) and corresponding data triangulation.
After studying business administration at the University of Bayreuth and Linköping University in Sweden, Prof. von Deimling started his career as a management consultant in the area of supply chain management/integrated planning and worked for project partners in the private sector industry (with a focus on the chemicals industry) and in the public sector (with a focus on the defense sector). Following his work as a management consultant, Prof. von Deimling completed his PhD-thesis with honours at the Bundeswehr University Munich on the subject of "Komplexitätsmanagement in multinationalen Einkaufskooperationen am Beispiel des Verteidigungssektor" (Complexity Management in Multinational Cooperative Defense Procurement Initiatives). Prof. von Deimling is a member of the management team in the Procurement Department at the Bundeswehr University Munich.