Veljko Sikirica
Procurement Policy Advisor, IMPPM Executive Committee
Veljko Sikirica has over forty-five years’ experience in Procurement, Engineering, Project Design, Management, Implementation, Sustainable Development and Capacity Building. He has extensive experience as staff of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (10 years), the Inter-American Development Bank (25 years), and in the last five years, as consultant on UN Development Program Projects in Aruba, Ecuador and Peru, which also involved Institutional Capacity Assessment in Procurement of the corresponding institutions.
He has vast experience in planning, organisation and implementation of Procurement under Emergency Situations, such as Major Natural Disaster Management (hurricanes, earthquakes and floods), as well as, human made disasters, such as procurement for nuclear safety recovery projects including Chernobyl. Sectors covered include: energy, infrastructure, water & sanitation, health and environment.
Veljko Sikirica has retired from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) holding a position of Associate Director, Procurement Policy and Advisory Department, in April 2018, after 10 years of professional service in Procurement Policy Department at EBRD .
During his tenure at EBRD, he had a corporate role and was responsible to maintain and strengthen Procurement Department’s fiduciary function in order to ensure that the Bank’s Procurement Policies and Rules (PP&R) are respected and complied within Bank financed projects, as well as, for the development and interpretation of procurement policies and standard documents. He was responsible to handle complaints, disputes and manage corporate functions such as independent procurement reviews and internal and external audit reports.
He was responsible for the Nuclear Safety Department (NSD) guidance, dispute resolution support and monitoring project implementation, including the design and setting up of appropriate approval mechanisms for more efficient procurement processes. He was commissioned for day to day Selective Review and supervision of all NSD procurement processes, as well as, capacity assessment of executing agencies – EBRD Clients. Further, he was a resource for guidance, monitoring and dispute resolution from project preparation to implementation in Transport, Energy and various Infrastructure sector projects.
He was responsible for training and capacity building function and programmes in procurement, from design to implementation, for EBRD staff, as well as, for Bank’s Clients. In addition, he was permanent faculty resource of Bank’s Business Outreach Programme on Procurement topics. Over 10 years, numerous workshops, seminars, conferences and clinics were performed to the satisfaction of the participants.
He was responsible for Procurement for Sustainable Development Initiative as Procurement Department’s spokesperson for environmental, social and sustainability issues. In addition to various articles written and published on “Value for money in procurement for sustainable development” he spearheaded the issues of gender and inclusion in procurement, too.
Since 2018, he has become permanent teaching/capacity building faculty at International Law Institute (ILI) in Georgetown (USA), responsible at present, as leader of Project Management Seminar, delivery. Special tailor made one-week seminars for Health sector were successfully delivered in the past four years in Botswana and Lesotho, In 2019 and 2020, he has also conducted tailor-made seminar training for International Telecommunications Union (ITU) a UN Agency for the area of telecommunications in Geneva, Switzerland.