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Robert Moldén

Ness law firm

Robert Moldén heads the competition and public procurement team at Ness law firm, based in Gothenburg - the industrial capital of Sweden.

Robert Moldén has more than 20 years of experience in competition law and public procurement law from the Swedish Competition Authority, the European Commission, the Gothenburg Administrative Court of Appeal and several international law firms in Stockholm and Brussels. He has also worked as a freelance legal translator to the Court of Justice of the European Union based in Luxemburg.

Robert holds master degrees in Swedish law (University of Stockholm), German law (University of Kiel) and EU law (College of Europe in Bruges). Moreover, he holds master degrees in Business Administration and Economics from the University of Paris, the University of Gothenburg as well as the Stockholm School of Economics.

Robert is a member of the International League of Competition Law (LIDC) and has presented the Swedish national report to the LIDC congresses in Bordeaux (2010), Prague (2012), Rio de Janeiro (2017) and Gothenburg (2023). He is a member of the board of directors at the Swedish section of the LIDC, the Swedish Competition and Market Law Association. Moreover, he is the president of the Swedish Public Procurement Law Association as well as the president of the Gothenburg Lawyers’ Association founded in 1888.

Robert Moldén has published a number of articles and books on competition and public procurement law. He has been a contributor to the book “International Antitrust Litigation” edited by Jürgen Basedow, Stéphanie Francq and Laurence Idot (Hart Publishing 2012) and the book “Antitrust for Small and Middle Size Undertakings” edited by Pierre Kobel, Pranvera Këllezi and Bruce Kilpatrick (Springer 2014).

In 2021, Robert successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in competition and public procurement law at the Stockholm School of Economics. The title of his dissertation is “Competition Law or the New Competition Principle of Public Procurement Law – Which is the more suitable legal instrument for making public procurement more pro-competitive?” and can be downloaded free of charge from the library homepage of the Stockholm School of Economics ( ). Robert’s doctoral dissertation focuses on the conflict and relationship between competition and public procurement law, in particular as to the new competition principle embodied in the new EU public procurement directives. Robert has been lecturing at the International Master in Public Procurement Management at the University of Rome Tor Vergata since 2015. His IMPPM lectures are titled “European Competition Law and Public Procurement”