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Module 5 - Planning and Management of Procurement Operations

Planning and Management of Procurement Operations

Module 5

Planning and managing procurement operations represent two of the key actions that need to be undertaken for the achievement of a successful procurement. In this regard, procurement officers need to know how to design and face each different stage of the procurement cycle to act promptly, flexibly and efficiently. 





31 March - 4 April


University of Rome Tor Vergata
Via Columbia, 2

The course in detail


The purpose of this Module is to address and develop knowledge and skills during the planning and management stage of the procurement cycle. The first part of the course is intended to introduce students to the public procurement operations of the major IFIs, with focus on the EU approach for the implementation of external actions. While the second part is specifically meant to give knowledge on contract management methods 

Objectives of the Module

  • To give essential information in respect of investment project cycles, different procurement philosophies and strategies project delivery;
  • To stress the importance of a holistic view and encompassing approach for successful delivery of complex projects;
  • To provide a comprehensive overview of different procurement approaches in mitigating implementation risks;
  • To highlight the important elements of a comprehensive project management;
  • To provide students with essentials of contract management for different types of subjects of procurement (goods/works/ services/hybrid contracts) within the framework of the procurement cycle;  
  • To demonstrate close and multidimensional cross influence of selection and implementation phases of the procurement cycle; 
  • To provide a comprehensive overview of the risks and mitigation measures in complex contracts through the prism of FIDIC suit of contracts  


The module is based on theoretical lectures, practical case discussion and work groups. Lectures will contain concepts as well as well as examples.  


The main reference will be the slides presented in class by the lecturers and case studies materials. 


  • Evgeny Smirnov
  • Aisha Nadar
  • Alvaro Diez Santaclara (IRD Engineering)