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Module 1 - Negotiation and Team Building

Negotiation and Team Building

Module 1

In many situations people may need to negotiate, no matter what their role is. The result of the process should be a compromise with each side renouncing to something for the sake of a better final result. Improving negotiation skills is then fundamental to reach agreements in business activities. 


Soft Skills


23 February; 26-28 February


University of Rome Tor Vergata
Via Columbia, 2

The course in detail


The aim of the course is developing negotiation skills stimulating the ability of participants to choose an effective strategy for winning the negotiation game (win-win, hard or compromise strategy) using the BATNA (Best Alternative to Agreement Negotiation) and the Krajlic Matrix; and to be able to practically use those strategies. The distinctive feature of this course is that of making the students act as negotiators in negotiation exercises, experimenting directly the strategies learnt; to this sake the lecture hall will be a sort of gym for excercising in the development of personal attitudes. The course will be then finalized with some hints on the unfair tactics generally used in the negotiation context.

Objectives of the Module

  • Developing the knowledge of the main negotiation strategies and techniques; 
  • Developing the ability to set a negotiation and analyze the context (the importance of supplier, the power of the parties, the expected length of the relationship with the supplier, the objectives); 
  • Developing the knowledge of the personal negotiation aptitudes that are generally used with the counterpart; 
  • Developing the ability to lead a negotiation trough the integration (win-win) model based on the Fisher and Ury’s theory; 
  • Developing the ability to recognize and neutralize the unfair tactics that the counterpart can use. 


The guiding line of the course is using the classroom as a laboratory, a protected environment where recognizing and testing personal negotiation aptitudes and skills. The course mainly has an experiential nature, in order to let each participant observe and change his/her own behaviour repertory. 
The evaluation instruments used during the Module are role playing; feedback by other participants. 


Slides (Presentation) Exercise (Group Role Play): "The inheritance division" Exercise (Group Role Play): "The Union Agreement" Exercise (Group Role Play): "The Prisoner's Dilemma" Exercise (Group Role Play): "The Tecnomax Case" 


  • Paolo Augugliaro